Saturday, February 12, 2011

Wallpaper & Moving

So I moved in on Monday. The move wasn't too bad - I had gotten rid of a lot of my stuff so there wasn't a ton of furniture. I definitely need to do some shopping.

The weekend prior to moving in my Mom and I tore down all the wallpaper in my bedroom. Tearing down the wallpaper took about 20 minutes. It came down really easily in big sheets. The problem is there's a thick layer of wallpaper glue coating all the walls - every square inch is covered in it. It's intense.

So on Sunday my mom, our friend Mike and I worked on the walls. We tried everything. First we tried wetting the walls and scraping off the glue. Which worked but was super time consuming. So then my mom went out and bought T.S.P - which is this chemical wall cleaner. We tried that on the wall and when we tried to take the glue off it took the wall with it. So we scratched that idea. In the end we ended up using water, vinegar and a lot of scrubbing. The three of us worked for hours and in the end we finished three walls. With a lot more still to go.

On Monday I moved in. My mom, dad, brother and I moved everything in about 6 hours which wasn't too bad. I had given a lot of my furniture to my brother so there weren't that many big pieces. By the end of the day I had my bed set up and most of my furniture in place. The first night in my new condo was a little surreal - I couldn't believe that this place was actually mine.

1 comment:

  1. For future wallpaper endeavors:
